A prelude: The before pics

When we first moved into the house in 2009, there was a lot of work that needed to be done.  One of the first things we noticed was our1970s era bathrooms.  They have been dated for years but they worked, so we kept them.  This all changed earlier this year when a small crack in the fiberglass shower pan was resulting in some damage to the hardwood floor on the opposite side of the wall.  As a result, I immediately tore out the shower, which saved our floors.

Normally I would have wanted to do this myself, but work has been too busy this year.  This blog will document the day to day remodel of our master bathroom, which will be performed under the guidance of our carefully procured contractor Humberto.

Without further ado, the before pics:

Our 1970s bathroom.  Was the counter originally yellow, or did that ripenover the years like a fine cheese?  Nobody knows.  The new bath will denitrifying have 2 sinks to avoid battling for this one.  Also, in true to the era form, the sink area is carpeted.  

More of the same.  Getting a view now of our shower/toilet room.  That wall will be gone to make both rooms seem larger.

Looking at the shower/toilet room again.  The wall heading toward us is going to be extended so that the whole bath is enclosed and separate from the master bedroom.

As I mentioned above, I tore out the shower earlier this year.  This door has been closed for a while now to keep construction debris out of our room.
